Over the years I've compiled data from various sources and personal tests to put together a chart of ideal exhaust pipe diameters. These diameters are of course only a starting point, but in my experience they have been pretty "bang on".
These diameters are specifically for "cat back" exhaust systems and are generally the best compromise between velocity and overall flow. John Grudynski, in an class I did with him for TU Premium members back a few months ago (Available Here: The Secrets of Header & Exhaust Design) talked about how he frequently achieves better results with relatively "small" exhaust systems and how he will occasionally use a "step system" on really radical street and race cars. The chart (a TU Premium exclusive) covers everything from 1.5L to 4.5L or so, both dual and single exhaust diameters, and various power outputs. Use this as a guide, then always test for absolute optimum results.
More information about how to use this chart, inside.
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